Peeps. Hmmm. My best guess is Least Sandpipers and Western Sandpipers.
I like to hit several birding places in one outing. So today I went to Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve aka Newport Back Bay, and it was somewhat quiet.
All over Orange County I am seeing mulefat going to seed. It catches the sunlight and looks pretty. So I took a picture. Provides lots of food for the birds in fall and winter.
I am thinking this is mulefat. Isn't it pretty?
A closer look at the mulefat.
It attracts lots of White-crowned Sparrows, House Finches , Lesser Goldfinches and lots of Bushtits, and other seed eaters.
I had to park in the auxiliary parking lot which provided a closer view of the first pond. It was full of shore birds and ducks.
Lots of shorebird action.
Common sight. American White Pelicans coming into San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary for a rest.
Overhead a flock of American White Pelicans flew looking for a resting place deep in the marsh. I see them often on the islands or strands of mud in one of the ponds back in the marsh. Often see Black Skimmers there as well, but not today.
I met a birder and photographer in the parking lot that I seem to see everywhere in the Southland. Dave. Sunburned and peering through his telephoto lens. He pointed out an Osprey in the tree by the Audubon House. Many thanks to Dave.