I always see or hear Rock Doves as I cross the Bolsa Chica footbridge. Today was no different.
I like Willets even if they are as common as sand on the beach. They are always in and around the pickleweed by the footbridge.
I wanted to hurry and get up to the mesa to see the activity up there, but go distracted on the way up by a White-winged Scoter. It was still there. I had seen it the other day on the way to work.
I like both Willets and Marbled Godwits which I think are quite pretty.
Snowy Plovers and Semipalmated Plovers are just about the cutest little birds in the wetlands.
I always like seeing the Ruddy Duck in breeding plumage. Its blue bill is so pretty.
I always enjoy seeing Snowies. You never know what you will see. They are so active and full of personality.
I don't know if they have Bette Davis eyes, but they sure have great eyes. the turquoise is so unusual. I was near the foot of the mesa. Almost there.
Of course the Anna's was there on a shrub at the top of the mesa.
I have to see European Starlings. They are aggressive birds who really reduce the populations of our cavity nesting birds.
Mourning Dove--Zenaida macroura on the chain link fence on the top of the mesa. I love their soft owl-like call and the whistling sound of their wings as they fly away. Mourning Dove--Zenaida macroura are common in Orange County, California.
On the mesa there was a symphony of springtime birds singing for mates: Red-winged Blackbirds, Common Yellowthroats , Northern Mockingbirds, Anna's Hummingbirds, Song Sparrows, and more I couldn't sort out. Nothing like the mesa in springtime.
The warm smells of sage and flowering plants filled the air.
A female Northern Harrier--Circus cyaneus flew by and then perched up in a bare tree. When the inlet was opened, it flooded an area below the mesa and killed some trees. There are a few dead trees at the top of the mesa, too and that was where it perched.
Great Blue Herons Nesting at Bolsa Chica from OC Birder Girl on Vimeo.
A pair of Great Blue Herons were building a nest in a dead tree on the mesa. It consisted seemingly entirely of large sticks.Great Egret--Ardea alba hunts on the mesa for some tasty non-fishy morsel, surprising many used to seeing them in the water hunting fish.
A Great Egret--Ardea alba was hunting below in among the flowing plants. I was so enraptured by the sights, sounds, and smells, that a snake moving fast across the path by my feet startled me. I forget there are there. I didn't even get a shot of it.
Male Ruddy Duck in breeding plumage.
As I got near the bridge a pair of Killdeer--Charadrius vociferus blocked the way standing in the path. As I waited, they began the "broken wing display," trying to draw several people away from their nest. I never saw it, but they were very persistant trying several times.
Killdeer--Charadrius vociferus protecting its young by drawing attention to itself. Known as the Broken Wing Display.
Finally, they gave up and flew away.
Back near the footbridge I ran into the White-winged Scoter again. He had some friends with him this time.
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